Henry B. Wardman (Term 1893 - 1894)

Mayor Henry B. Wardman (Term 1893 - 1894)

Henry B. Wardman (August 22, 1845 – December 30, 1926) worked in the hardware business and served one term as Mayor of Deadwood.   Born on August 22, 1845 in Buffalo, New York, Wardman attended and graduated from the Buffalo, New York public school system before heading west at age 23.  In 1868, Wardman arrived in Cheyenne, Wyoming and entered into a tinner / sheet metal apprenticeship.  Ten years later in 1878 at age 33, he arrived in Deadwood.  By 1884, Wardman partnered with George V. Ayres and operated a hardware business at 641 Main Street. 

Nine years later in 1893, Ward was elected and served one term as Mayor of Deadwood.  Four years later in 1898, Wardman sold his interest in the hardware business to Ayres and became a traveling salesman for a wholesale hardware firm.  In 1900, he returned to Deadwood and opened a plumbing, sheet metal and hardware business.  During this period, Wardman's home was located at 21 Lincoln Avenue in the Presidential neighborhood.  On December 30, 1926, Wardman died and was buried in Section 9 Lot 4 of Mount Moriah Cemetery.