History Topics

Title Presenter

Presentation Length

Special Considerations

Overlooked but not Forgotten:  USS Maine Memorial Mike Runge 45 minutes PowerPoint
Baseball in the Mining Camps Mike Runge

45 minutes 

Deadwood's Mount Moriah Cemetery Mike Runge 45 minutes PowerPoint
Deadwood Pioneer: A Face from the Past Mike Runge 45 minutes PowerPoint
An Experience like no Other:  Chinese Immigrants in Deadwood Mike Runge 45 minutes PowerPoint
Archaeological Evidence of Underground Placer Drift Mining within the City of Deadwood Mike Runge 20 minutes PowerPoint
Deadwood's Chinatown Collection:  Keeping the Promise Eighteen Years after the Discovery Mike Runge 45 minutes PowerPoint
Pards to the End: The Friendship of Seth Bullock and Theodore Roosevelt 1892 - 1919 Mike Runge 30 minutes PowerPoint
City of Deadwood Archives: Genealogy Resources and much More Mike Runge 45 minutes PowerPoint